Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Get & Read Fanfiction on Your Kindle

Several years ago I discovered the world of fanfiction and it opened up a huge library of amazing, free works of fiction.  If you're new to fanfiction, it's basically when an unknown author takes characters from a much loved book or series and creates original stories.  I loved this because it enabled me to keep reading about the characters I loved in different situations and scenarios, some extremely unique.

One of the pitfalls I found with fanfiction was I was either going blind trying to read on my computer/blackberry or killing the environment to print out the stories I wanted to read.  But then I got my kindle and it opened up an entirely new way to enjoy my fanfiction. Before I lay out the instructions on how to get fanfic on your kindle I just want to say I understand many fic writers don't like their stories published and posted all over the internet for reading and downloading, please use these instructions to add fics to your kindle for personal use.

How to Get Fanfiction onto your Kindle

  1. go to and locate the story you are interested in reading. I highly recommend only downloading completed fics otherwise you'll be going back for updates all the time.

  2. locate the fic id number.  Usually 7 digit number found in the url or in the story description.

  1. go to the FLAG website at enter the story id where noted and select ePub option.

  2. Click get and a window will pop up allowing you to download the ePub file.  Save it to your hard-drive.

  3. Rename the file to the name of the fiction so you can easily find your fics by name on your kindle and PC

  4. Go to the Stanza website and download the Stanza software for desktop

  5. Once you have Stanza on your desktop, open it

  6. Go to FILE-OPEN FILE. Locate your ePub file and open it, it make take a few seconds to open.  Take a quick look at it and make sure it looks okay, readable.  Sometimes paragraphing may be off a bit and you may see fanfic notations, that's normal, they don't come out perfect.

  7. Go to FILE-EXPORT BOOK AS and select amazon kindle.  It will prompt you to save it to a location.  You can save it directly to your kindle documents file or you can save it to your PC and upload it to your kindle whenever you choose.

And that's it.  You will see the fic on your Kindle and you can file it away for future reading.  Just a note, I make no guarantees that these sites are virus free and take no responsibility for that.

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